Which is better a daycare or keeping children at home?

Rashique muhammed
Rashique muhammed

Which is better a daycare or keeping children at home?
There is no proper answer to this question but still is it worth sending your child to the daycare center? The best answer is the family itself, whether they want to send their kids to the daycare center or not is all up to them. Every family depends on their preferences, expectations, norms, and values. Some families may prefer to keep their children at home with a parent or caregiver, while others may prefer to send their child to Daycare in Bangalore.


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Which is better a daycare or keeping children at home?

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Which is better a daycare or keeping children at home?
There is no proper answer to this question but still is it worth sending your child to the daycare center? The best answer is the family itself, whether they want to send their kids to the daycare center or not is all up to them. Every family depends on their preferences, expectations, norms, and values. Some families may prefer to keep their children at home with a parent or caregiver, while others may prefer to send their child to Daycare in Bangalore.