The Skin of the Earth - Where Life Meets Rocks

۰ نظر گزارش تخلف

What forms the landscapes of the Earth? Mountains, rivers or soils? Or is it geologic forces that lift up rock that is then destroyed by rain, ice, erosion and weathering? The movie shows the role of the "green layer". Do plants with their roots, animals that dig into soil, and microorganisms shape the landscapes? Or do minerals, soil, and water determie the environment for them to live in?
The movie also deals with the question of how live and the geosphere can resist climate change.

Scientists of the German-Chilean “EarthShape” project study these questions in Chile, in the National Parks Pan de Azúcar, La Campana, and Nahuelbuta. From the dry Atacama desert to dense forests.

Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences
Wolfgang Dümcke, Filmbüro-Potsdam
Kirstin Übernickel, Universität Tübingen

Funding: This movie was realized within the German National Science Foundation (DFG)- funded research network “EarthShape – Earth Surface Shaping by Biota” which is coordinated by Todd Ehlers (Universität Tübingen), and Friedhelm von Blanckenburg (GFZ Potsdam).

DOI 10.2312/GFZ.3.3.2019.002
German version:
Spanish version:


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The Skin of the Earth - Where Life Meets Rocks

۱ لایک
۰ نظر

What forms the landscapes of the Earth? Mountains, rivers or soils? Or is it geologic forces that lift up rock that is then destroyed by rain, ice, erosion and weathering? The movie shows the role of the "green layer". Do plants with their roots, animals that dig into soil, and microorganisms shape the landscapes? Or do minerals, soil, and water determie the environment for them to live in?
The movie also deals with the question of how live and the geosphere can resist climate change.

Scientists of the German-Chilean “EarthShape” project study these questions in Chile, in the National Parks Pan de Azúcar, La Campana, and Nahuelbuta. From the dry Atacama desert to dense forests.

Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences
Wolfgang Dümcke, Filmbüro-Potsdam
Kirstin Übernickel, Universität Tübingen

Funding: This movie was realized within the German National Science Foundation (DFG)- funded research network “EarthShape – Earth Surface Shaping by Biota” which is coordinated by Todd Ehlers (Universität Tübingen), and Friedhelm von Blanckenburg (GFZ Potsdam).

DOI 10.2312/GFZ.3.3.2019.002
German version:
Spanish version:

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