Gone Fishin' | Animated short film by Rosa Niclas and Marcel Knüdeler

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کانال تایید شده پویاکام

Olaf spends his days fishing on an apparently secluded island, but is this robinsonade as unintended as it initially seems?

Subscribe for more content: https://goo.gl/VzLKfO


Gone Fishin' has been shown on following festival:

Leipzig, DOK Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm


Director: Rosa Niclas, Marcel Knüdeler
Producer: Rosa Niclas


نماد کانال
نظری برای نمایش وجود ندارد.


Gone Fishin' | Animated short film by Rosa Niclas and Marcel Knüdeler

۰ لایک
۰ نظر

Olaf spends his days fishing on an apparently secluded island, but is this robinsonade as unintended as it initially seems?

Subscribe for more content: https://goo.gl/VzLKfO


Gone Fishin' has been shown on following festival:

Leipzig, DOK Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm


Director: Rosa Niclas, Marcel Knüdeler
Producer: Rosa Niclas