Automatic bottle washing machine | For plastic bottles

۰ نظر گزارش تخلف

This machine is designed for plastic bottles
And it can wash all kinds of plastic bottles
This device is suitable for all fruit juice, mineral water, herbal spirits and tea production factories
These factories can easily wash all their produced bottles using this machine
This device has a 2-year warranty and 10-year after-sales service
This device requires very low water consumption and saves you from excessive water consumption costs
Also, this machine needs an air compressor to wash plastic bottles
This device can be connected to all kinds of rotary and linear devices
For more information, you can contact the following numbers:
@heidizidane9861 +98 9152000050
+98 9153130748
website :


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Automatic bottle washing machine | For plastic bottles

۰ لایک
۰ نظر

This machine is designed for plastic bottles
And it can wash all kinds of plastic bottles
This device is suitable for all fruit juice, mineral water, herbal spirits and tea production factories
These factories can easily wash all their produced bottles using this machine
This device has a 2-year warranty and 10-year after-sales service
This device requires very low water consumption and saves you from excessive water consumption costs
Also, this machine needs an air compressor to wash plastic bottles
This device can be connected to all kinds of rotary and linear devices
For more information, you can contact the following numbers:
@heidizidane9861 +98 9152000050
+98 9153130748
website :

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