سرگرمی و طنز ورزشی کارتون و انیمیشن علم و فن آوری خودرو و وسایل نقلیه آموزش موسیقی و هنر اخبار و سیاست حیوانات و طبیعت بازی حوادث مذهبی
Some additional use cases of 把 (for HSK 3) that I didn't mention in the video:

(1) If the location, direction, or result is placed before the verb:

别把你的东西在学校卖。Don't vend your stuff at school. (location 在学校 placed before 卖)

把书往书包里放。Put books into the bag. (direction 往书包里 placed before 放)

把他往死里打。Beat him to death. (result/direction 往死里 placed before 打)

(2) If the verb is reduplicated (VV)

把房间打扫打扫。Clean the room. (打扫 is reduplicated)

(3) If the verb is has an "internal result complement":

把书打开。 (in the verb 打开, 开 is the result complement of 打)

把成绩提高。(in the verb 提高, 高 is a result complement of 提)

把作业完成。(in the verb 完成, 成 is a result complement of 完?)

把结果公开。(in the verb 公开, 开 is a result complement of 公?)

把问题解决。(in the verb 解决, 决 is a result complement of 解?)

zero to hero