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Use this video to practice answering TOEFL speaking questions like the real TOEFL test. Practice answering sample questions across all 6 TOEFL speaking questions under realistic time limits and pressure.

It's hard to answer TOEFL speaking topics under time pressure. We hope this TOEFL practice test gives you more TOEFL speaking sample questions to practice.

The TOEFL Speaking section lasts 20 minutes and includes six tasks. Your Speaking section score makes up 25% of your total TOEFL score (out of 120). This section tests your ability to speak effectively in academic settings. You’ll be graded on how well you answer each question, your ability to speak clearly and coherently, and your vocabulary and grammar.

There are three different types of TOEFL Speaking questions, two tasks for each type.

The first two tasks are independent speaking tasks that draw on the student’s own ideas, opinions, and experiences when responding. For each of these questions, you’ll be given 15 seconds to prepare and need to speak for 45 seconds.

The remaining four tasks are integrated tasks. Students must use more than one skill when responding. Tasks 3 and 4 require students to read, listen, then speak. You’ll be given 45 seconds to read a short passage, then you will listen to a short lecture (about a minute in length). After that, you'll have 30 seconds to prepare, and you’ll then need to speak for 60 seconds.

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